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Per Walmart CEO – Living Wage Positive Business Effects:

  1. It is an accepted management understanding that well benefited employees i.e., happier employees -Produce at a higher level with increased quality.
  2. Stay with the company longer and add to the numbers for future qualified supervisory and management positions.
  3. Reduce the cost (30% in training and lost productivity) HR admin associated with turnover
  4. Have better customer interaction and increase customer satisfaction.
  5. Have less tardiness and lost workdays.

See Walmart-CEO-calls-for-an-increase-in-the-minimum-wage

Per the Living Wage Foundation Business Survey in England

Employer Case Studies

There are over 5000 accredited employers in our network, going further than the government minimum and paying all staff the real Living Wage for the real cost of living. We asked some of our key employers from across the movement to share their Living Wage story.

What English Companies say:


“Introducing the Living Wage Is not only the right thing to do for our co-workers; It also makes good business sense. This is a long-term investment in our people based on our values and our belief that a team with good compensation and working conditions is in a position to provide a great experience to our customers.” See IKEA article here: IKEA on Living Wage

Hodgson Sayers

“We like to think there is a link between our accreditation and our success. There were obvious business benefits such as that well-paid staff are motivated and more productive. Retention of staff significantly reduces training and recruitment advertising costs. Long serving employees create strong teams.” 


“It is not just the right thing to do, it makes absolute business sense. It ensures that we attract and retain the best and most motivated people, whether directly employed by us or by others. We want good people, and the Living Wage is an excellent way of getting and keeping them.”

More on the Living Wage Foundation in England can be found at this site:

What a US President said:

“It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933