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In order to assist in the construction and sustainable operation of LTC facilities the State has many options at their disposal. Some of these options are included in the following VT Government Action and Support page.

The state of Vermont’s Medicaid Assistive Community Care Services (ACCS) and Enhanced Residential Care (ERC) reimbursement payment levels to Assisted Living Residences (ALR) and Residence Care Homes (RCH) is by action of the Legislature. These ACCS and ERC reimbursement rates are not applied on a consistent basis (example using CPI) or on a prescribed set time frame. A VT State directed reimbursement study was recently conducted and recommended a significant increase in the existing reimbursement rates.

Reimbursement for Nursing Homes (NH) is thru application of Sate Law directions. The Medicaid Reimbursement Rate VT ACCS and ERC Rate Adjustments amount is determined quarterly from the cost submitted by each Nursing Home and then adjusted thru a state formula.